If I recall my brother's 59 cm XO2 correctly, it wasn't that much heavier
than my 55 cm XO1; I daresay the frameset was a lb or 2 more, but it was
not an inherently heavy bike *and* it is one of the few decent
road-bike-like designs build for 559 wheels.

One option would be to lighten some of the components. IIRC, the stock XO2
wheels were not amazingly light. Sun/Ringle has a new, very nice 559 rim
(except that it is black, but with machined and therefore silver braking
tracks), the Equalizer, that weighs 400 grams and is 21 mm wide outside to
outside. Built with 32 or even 28 spokes on decent hubs with, say, 1.35
Kojak folding tires (claimed 330 grams) or the promised and very much hoped
for new Compass lightweight 32s, you might very well drop a lot of weight
there, depending of course on what the wheels are now.

I assume your friend is quite light. A light person can certainly get away
with a much narrower and lighter tire, and modern sealants, which can be
used in tubes if the pressures aren't too low, take care of flats, IME.

I once had a wheelset built with Sun M14As with 8 or 9 speed-era Ultegra
(early 90s) 370 gram Sun M14A rims that weighed about 1500 grams the pair.
Even nice 700c wheelsets felt heavy to me after hefting these.

Another possibility: use a very compact drivetrain with small cogs and a
road rear derailleur. I use a 38/24 (with bash guard) 110 setup and a 13-27
9 speed shifted by a nice road Microshift -- I will eventually move to my
lovely 7410 Dura Ace 7410.

You might also replace a heavy rear rack with a Tubus Fly, 11 1/2 oz (does
Tubus still make the Fly?) and rated for 20 kg/44 lb.

Saddle? If she is riding a B 33 ....

I've got 2 pr of 559 Trek Matrix "Mountain Aero" rims from the early '90s
in very good condition that I was hoarding until the Equalizer came along.
The Treks are very strong (they were sold for off road use despite their
narrow 19 mm outside width and an honest 400 grams. Dark gray anodized all
over, alas, so that the braking surfaces end up looking streaky. Of my 2
pr, one is largely as new, the other pair shows some silver through the
anodizing. 32 hole. I'd sell these for $40/pair OBO + actual shipping
CONUS, $60 for 2 pr. But I myself would buy a pair of the Equalizers --
about $50 at retail IIRC.

On Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 6:35 PM, <subfas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My short height (5'2")friend is riding a Bridgestone XO2 in the 42cm size,
> a 48 would fit, but only because of the 559 wheels. The one complaint about
> her current bike is that it is so heavy, especially in the back half
> (unloaded) She works in SF and her commute involves stairs and carrying the
> bike, it is unavoidable. She isn't really a bike person but has an
> appreciation for them.
> First things first, does anyone have a clean 559 wheelset with wide rims
> sitting around? The frame is spaced at 130 but it could be cold set to 135
> if needed. That might help.
> Recommendations or for sale frames size 559 or 584 that might be an
> improvement over her existing one? She rides with a rear rack and high up
> albatross bars and sometimes a front basket.
> It looks like as far as riv the clem in 45 might be a great fit but it is
> complete only is a little redundant for her because her bike now is mostly
> fine. The other models, are out of her price range.
> Thanks
> Jason
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circumference on the rim of which all conditions, distinctions, and
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