I'm going to focus on the front rack, trying it w/ a bag cinched to it 
tight w/out a basket, as well as w/ no rack at all.
Just trying to get it to pleasant to ride mode!
On Monday, June 1, 2015 at 8:33:14 PM UTC-7, Clayton wrote:
> I bet it is your front rack and basket. The little front racks are a lot 
> more wobbly than you think. Grab your basket on each side and with the 
> wheel between your knees, rock each side up and down, and back and forth 
> (yaw). Really flexy isn't it?  That motion is introduced into your forks 
> and frame with steering corrections and bumps. Harmonic feed back keeps it 
> going....The unequal weight in the back would add to it. I don't think 
> those racks were made for baskets full of stuff, rather a stuff sack with a 
> sleeping bag or a supporting the bottom of a stem/bar supported Randonneur 
> bag. The shimmy on my Atlantis went away, finally, when I took off my Tubus 
> low rider rack, Nitto M-12 mini-rack and replaced them with a Nitto Big 
> Rack. I love my Atlantis and wouldn't give it up for a stiffer bike, ever. 
> I just had to figure out the shimmy, and I did, for MY bike. Good luck!
> Claytonious Q
>   On Monday, June 1, 2015 1:03 PM, Jim Bronson <jim.b...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> "Loaded handling question" 
> Pun intended?  ;)
> On May 28, 2015 11:07 PM, "cyclotourist" <cyclot...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> Last week on a S240, had a great time (except for that one incident)
> but the problem was really, really bad shimmy/wobble. So bad I really
> couldn't take my hands off even for a bit at any speed.
> Rear loaded, with a little bit up front (sleeping bag). Pannier on one
> side only but not a ton of weight in there. Heaviest thing was
> probably the tent, packed up high.
> So what am I packing wrong? I don't want to get a whole new luggage
> system, nor a new bike, just want to work with what I've got and what
> you can see here:
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclotourist/17795666300/in/photostream/lightbox/
> Suggestions? Want to get it so I'm stable and can ride hands free, at
> least at lower <10mph speeds. Possible, or just the wrong bike for it?
> Intermediate Riv tubing, OS downtube, nothing super light, nor super
> stout, basically like a Hilsen I would guess.
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Member, Supreme Council of Cyberspace
> "it isn't a contest. Just enjoy the ride." - Seth Vidal
> --
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