Y'all help out a clueless photo app/attachment/doohickey user.

First, I bailed on Picassa a couple of years ago after they (IMEO) f*****
it up by making it harder to use and requiring something or other from me
that I now forget and that I didn't want to give them. (I also want to bail
on Google, but that's harder to do. Gawdarn feature creep!)

Here's my question:

Is hooking photos to the email in the way Jim described below, as with my
recent FS posts, instead of pasting the photo directly into the body of the
email, GOOD or BAD?

Patrick "we got no links" Moore, with beetled brow furrowed in concentrated
exasperation. (I have attache a photo using this method to illustrate my

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 4:31 PM, cyclotour...@gmail.com <
cyclotour...@gmail.com> wrote:

*However, as we are having more technical discussions, often members are
supplying specific phone-snapped images which provide an excellent answer
to the question.  And it's these which deserve to be in threads, enhancing
the discussions.  *

*With that in mind, here's how you do it.  Illustrated with images.... *

*Step One - when you post or reply to a post, you should see a little
 skuemorphic paper clip doohickey.  To the right of that will be the magic
words "Attach a File"*

*Click on that.*

*Step Two - you should get an upload window, and you can drag and drop
(with certain...well, most... browsers) and an option to select from your

*Now, some of that functionality won't necessarily work from iOS or Android
OS's.  So, there's that.  Maybe someone can share an image to this thread
from their iPhone, iPad or Android device.*

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