I had a friend not much older than him who died on a bike ride from natural
causes.  He stopped to say he wasn't feeling well and was going back, and
just collapsed right there.  It was a shock because he rode constantly and
we all assumed he was in good condition.  It was just his time I guess.

I mention him because of the large impact he had on the cycling community
here in Austin, sounds similar to your friend in San Diego. He was a jolly
fellow who brought, many, many new people into cycling, and in fact when I
switched from 100% MTBing to mostly road riding, he was one of the first
people that I met at some of the local Austin Cycling association rides.
I don't think Vern ever met anyone that wasn't a friend.  And he just had a
way of making riding fun and inclusive for everyone, even the racerish guys
would slow down to ride with Vern's group for a while - it was the one
where everyone was smiling and laughing.

Miss you Vern Cantwell - 4/15/09

(scroll down a couple of pages)

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 12:34 AM, Tom Virgil <tevir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Jim,
> It was not a bicycle accident.  That is all I can say for now.
> "But it seems the good die young,
> Now I just looked around and he's gone."
> Written by Dick Holler.  Performed by Bob Dylan.
> This was a good man.
> Thank you for inquiring.
> ~Tom
> On Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 10:00:17 PM UTC-7, Jim Bronson wrote:
>> What happened to him?  It doesn't seem to say.  The posts seem to lack
>> the anger present when a cyclist is struck by a vehicle, so I'm guessing he
>> died of natural causes?
>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 11:45 PM, Tom Virgil <tevi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Now that I weighed in on this, I regret to report the following:
>>> http://bikesd.org/blog/ If necessary, work down the blog to "Hans
>>> Wangbichler".  Hans was a driving force behind the San Diego Tweed Ride.
>>> And so much more.  Like bike rides into Tijuana (that is much more of a
>>> delightful venture than you might think), bicycling as sustainable
>>> transportation, evening rides, and the list just goes on.
>>> There will be a memorial, ride, and (ahem) consumption of liquid
>>> refreshment.  https://www.facebook.com/events/491308751017880/
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tom
>>> On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 8:52:15 PM UTC-7, Tom Virgil wrote:
>>>> We have Tweed rides in San Diego and they are a lot of fun.  Go for it.
>>>> Tom
>>>> On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 7:01:54 PM UTC-7, Jim Bronson wrote:
>>>>> Any Rivendellians in on this?
>>>>> http://www.oregonlive.com/multimedia/index.ssf/2015/04/
>>>>> portland_tweed_ride_2015_for_m.html#incart_gallery
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Keep the metal side up and the rubber side down!

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