I thought you all would get a kick out of this, based on recent 
winter-based clothing conversations.  It's from the January 1944 *All Hands*, 
which is (was?) the official magazine of the US Navy.  It's like it was 
written by Deacon Patrick!  

Here is the link to the article:

*How to Beat Old Man Winter: Tips for Sailors in Cold Climates … How to 
> Avoid Colds, Thaw Out Frozen Fingers*
> Howling wind, driving rain and sleet, mountainous waves of icy salt water 
> - "pity the poor sailor on a night like this!" Yet, you can beat old man 
> winter at his own game. What it takes is knowledge about what kind of 
> clothing to wear, how to act under varying weather conditions, what 
> first-aid may be necessary.
> You know from personal experience that sometimes, even when you get all 
> bundled up from red flannels to peajacket, you still can't keep the upper 
> hand over winter cold. Maybe you've been on watch, heavily clothed, and 
> step inside to warm up a bit. You don't take off your outfit, or even open 
> it up - because you're cold and you want to warm up fast before going back.
> Well, you warm up fine, even begin to perspire. Then you step out again 
> and find you get cold very quickly. You feel chilled to the bone, commence 
> to shiver, and you're much more uncomfortable than before having gone 
> indoors.
> This is what happened: You got cold while you were on the first part of 
> your watch because your body was losing heat. Your body stores heat inside 
> and also produces heat as the result of digestion of food and physical 
> activity. However, the low temperature and wind had taken away much of this 
> heat and had caused the blood vessels supplying the skin (particularly in 
> the fingers and feet) to contract. Much less blood was flowing to the parts 
> and thus they got less heat.
> When you came inside, the clothing began to absorb heat while the body 
> gradually began to warm up. The body had filled itself with heat and was 
> again ready to begin giving off extra heat. The blood vessels had opened up 
> and circulation increased. Since you did not take off your heavy clothing 
> this extra heat could not get away and soon the skin temperature rose so 
> high that sweating began.
> Doctors who have studied these matters know that when this happens the 
> body gives off heat about four times faster than usual. Your clothing got 
> damp from perspiration and began to take away heat at a faster rate than 
> normally. So when you went out-of-doors again the more exposed parts of the 
> body lost a great deal of heat into the atmosphere, and your damp clothes 
> took away a lot more heat. These losses were so rapid and so great that 
> they immediately caused pain. As a matter of fact, in a short time you lost 
> more heat than you lost during the whole time of your early watch.
> Another angle is that when you were first outside you had been exercising 
> somewhat and your body was producing extra heat. When you came inside your 
> activities stopped and your body also stopped producing extra heat and 
> instead soon began to lose heat. When you went outside again, therefore, 
> your body was not producing heat to help keep you warm, but rather was 
> working the other way.
> Now if you can take the pain which comes along with this reaction until 
> the body readjusts itself, you'll be fairly comfortable. However, your 
> clothing is going to be rather damp and the whole discomfort is unnecessary 
> if you follow a few reasonable rules based on the scientific facts of what 
> the doctors called "body heat balance." These rules are:
> 1. Immediately upon coming indoors, shed your outer heavy clothing and 
> gloves. Avoid yielding to the temptation of warming up rapidly by retaining 
> all of your clothing protection, especially if additional outdoor work is 
> scheduled.
> 2. Avoid sweating. It will dampen clothing and start heat loss when you go 
> out again.
> 3. Stay indoors only long enough to get reasonably comfortable. If you get 
> too warm you will upset your body heat balance when you go outside again.
> 4. If your hands and feet are cold, a change to dry gear will afford 
> relief.
> Putting on lots of clothing doesn't mean you're going to keep warm. 
> There's a right way and wrong way to keep warm, based on scientific fact.
> There are three layers of clothing involved in protecting yourself from 
> winter cold. These are the underwear layer, the insulation layer, and the 
> wind-and-water-resistant layer.
> *Underwear* is one of the most important elements of cold-weather 
> clothing. It serves as sort of a heat filter to slow down body heat loss 
> and at the same time to take excess moisture away from the body. Underwear 
> should be form fitting, moderately dense, lightweight, soft but with 
> sufficient body to withstand compression. One-piece woolen underwear is 
> preferred since it absorbs a large amount of perspiration, keeps the body 
> relatively dry, eliminates double insulation around the trunk and, in 
> general, is more comfortable.
> Amazing as it seems, woolen underwear actually produces heat. You may not 
> realize it but your body is always giving off an amount of water so small 
> that you don't notice it. This is in addition to sweating. This unseen 
> water contains heat which the woolen underwear traps, thus increasing your 
> warmth. Of course this process stops as soon as the vapor concentration 
> reaches 100% and water forms.
> The real trick is to keep your underclothing and socks dry. Change them as 
> frequently as possible. And always try to dry the underwear which you wore 
> during the day while you are asleep.
> *Insulation* usually includes normal clothing plus special outer wear. 
> You insulate yourself just like you insulate a house or other structures, 
> that is, by providing some kind of material which will hold dead air. Wool 
> is probably the most economical and efficient cold-climate clothing 
> insulator. Loosely woven garments, however, are less durable, more 
> shrinkable and tend to let air pass through them. So it is that winter 
> clothing usually consists of some kind of rather tightly woven material on 
> the outside to prevent air from getting through, and on the inside a soft, 
> relatively thick fabric which will hold air. In other words, just because a 
> piece of clothing is heavy doesn't mean it's warm. Thickness has more to do 
> with insulation and warmth than does weight. Did you ever sleep under a 
> feather quilt? You know it's light and fluffy but extremely warm.
> If you have worn it - properly, that is - you know that the Navy's present 
> winter outfit is pretty good. It starts off with a special wool 
> undergarment. Over this you wear your regular clothing. Then there is a 
> blue, jungle-cloth, wool-lined, overall-type trouser which fits over your 
> regular clothing. A similarly constructed zippered jacket is kept tight at 
> wrist and neck by a knitted band. The feet are protected by heavy 
> knee-length socks and arctics. Hands are covered by leather one-finger 
> gloves which should be supplemented by a wool inner-glove in very cold 
> weather. The head is covered by a fleece-lined jungle-cloth helmet which 
> fastens under the chin and has a neck guard.
> It is important that you do not overdress. Remember, body heat production 
> increases with activity. Perspiration should always be avoided because if 
> the body gets too warm it cannot stop the flow of water to the skin 
> surface. This moisture damps the clothing and adds to the cooling effect. 
> This cooling, incidentally, will continue even after the need for sweating 
> has stopped.
> If you are exposed to cold conditions you should learn to estimate your 
> clothing needs in terms of the temperature, the wind velocity and what you 
> expect to do. As a general rule, attempt to under-dress rather than 
> over-dress for quiet conditions. Be prepared to take immediate steps to 
> help your body cool by increasing ventilation, when body needs rise above a 
> comfort level and you begin to sweat. You can do this by removing your 
> gloves. Your hands then act much like an automobile radiator in cooling the 
> body.
> *Wind and water resistance* is the function of the third layer of 
> clothing. Scientific studies show that about three-fourths of body heat 
> loss is due to increases in air movement. The most successful way of 
> reducing the loss is by creating a shell around the body which keeps out 
> the wind. It also should help to keep out the water, but if it is entirely 
> waterproof, you'll find that you will get wet from the inside just about as 
> badly as from the outside. This is because a certain amount of body 
> moisture and perspiration must be carried away or the clothing will become 
> damp and you will chill. Clothing and fabric which permit this are said to 
> "breathe". So unless you are working under conditions where you will be 
> exposed to a great deal of water it's a smart idea to wear water-resistant 
> and not water-proof outer clothing.
> The Navy's wind-and-water-repellent gear, you will find, works out rather 
> well. It consists of trousers of the overall type and a parka-type jacket 
> which are made of very tightly woven material. Both are water repellent. 
> They break the force of the wind and prevent water from saturating the 
> insulative garment layer. Naturally, they are worn over the regular winter 
> clothing issue unless conditions do not require such protection. Of course, 
> if you're going to have to work in heavy seas where you're subject to 
> repeated dousings, you will wear oilskins and boots. But make every effort 
> to get dry clothing on as soon as possible.
> Below are a few general tips which you should keep in mind to make life 
> much more comfortable even under the most difficult conditions:
> *Keep dry:* Change to dry clothing as frequently as possible. Don't sleep 
> in the underwear you wore during the day, but let it dry overnight.
> *Don't overdress:* Especially if you will be active, don't wear too much 
> because your body will produce a considerable amount of heat and you will 
> be soon perspiring, then chilling.
> *Keep your gear clean:* Like any equipment, clothes have to be kept in 
> good order if they are to give you the best service.
> *Follow the "rule of three":* (1) well-fitted woolen underwear; (2) 
> clean, well-constructed insulative clothing; (3) wind and water protection 
> when required.
> Protection of the hands and feet is more difficult than protection of 
> other parts of the body, yet adequate provision must be made for them if 
> your body is to be kept comfortable and if you are to carry out your 
> duties. Here are some practical tips that Arctic explorers have found 
> helpful:
> 1. Keep the feet dry. Foot coverings for use in temperatures above 0o F 
> and under wet conditions should be snug-fitting and waterproof. One or more 
> pairs of woolen socks, preferably ribbed for greater elasticity, will take 
> care of the little bit of perspiration that will come. Socks should be 
> thoroughly dry before they are put on. As an outer foot cover the standard 
> Navy arctic is satisfactory.
> 2. Under extremely cold, dry conditions (below 0o F with a slight breeze) 
> the job is not to keep moisture from entering the footgear but is rather to 
> conduct moisture outside or facilitate the absorption of perspiration 
> inside. Polar explorers and the Russians, Canadians, Eskimos and other 
> northern peoples use dry-tanned leather, felt, burlap and similar 
> materials. Most successful is the Eskimo mukluk. The sole and toe of the 
> mukluk are made of a dry-tanned leather which remains flexible in the 
> coldest weather; the upper, about twelve inches long, is of burlap. This is 
> worn over two or more pairs of woolen socks, and between each pair is a 
> felt inner-sole. You can get about the same results with G.I. high shoes 
> and several pairs of woolen socks with felt inner soles.
> 3. Footwear should be large and roomy. Any tightness will cause a decrease 
> in the blood circulation, and circulation , of course, is the principal 
> means of maintaining body heat in the feet.
> 4. Feet freeze easily. As long as they can be moved easily and the 
> sensation of cold is acute, freezing has not set in. If cramping prevents 
> moving the toes, and if pain of great intensity lets up without good 
> reason, the feet should be examined at once. Blood circulation can be 
> restored by placing the frost-bitten or frozen parts next to warm flesh. 
> *Never 
> treat by rapidly heating near a stove, by placing in cold water, rubbing 
> with snow, or any brisk, abrasive rubbing*. Such treatment tends to 
> aggravate the condition and to injure the skin, thereby making it very easy 
> for infection to set in. Frozen toes should be cupped in warm hands, and 
> alternating gentle pressure and release of pressure should be applied after 
> normal circulation has been restored.
> Hands and fingers are sometimes more difficult to protect than any other 
> parts of the body. Airplane pilots and gunners, for example, must have a 
> high degree of flexibility in their fingers. A few minutes of exposure 
> while taking an astral sight of -20o F is sufficient to cause frostbite. 
> Basic principles for protecting the hands are similar to those for the feet:
> 1. Avoid long exposure. Do not touch metal, snow or ice. Keep the wrists, 
> palms and backs of the hands covered as much as possible.
> 2. Wear loose-fitting woolen mittens, with separate windproof coverings. 
> Do not wear gloves that separate the fingers because radiation between the 
> fingers is an important source of heat.
> 3. Chilled hands often are the result of overheating the rest of the body, 
> or they may be caused by constriction which prevents proper circulation of 
> the blood. Avoid garments that fit tightly around the upper arms or under 
> the armpits where large blood vessels come near the surface.
> 4. Treat frostbitten or frozen hands as prescribed for the feet - that is, 
> gently massage with warm hands to stimulate circulation, or place the hands 
> on warm flesh under the armpits, between the thighs or on the abdomen.
> 5. Keep the hands and mittens as dry as possible because moisture 
> increases heat loss. Changing to dry mittens when hands are wet and cold 
> will immediately produce a feeling of warmth.
> 1. Ears freeze quickly. Even in moderately cold weather, ear muffs should 
> be worn even though the rest of head may be uncovered.
> 2. The back of the neck should be protected because of the vital sensory 
> nerve cords and tendons which lie close to the surface. The temples, 
> forehead and throat also must be protected.
> 3. The top of the head, when a normal amount of hair is present, will be 
> safe without covering in temperatures as low as 0o F, provided wind is 
> not blowing. A light head covering, however, is always a good idea.
> 4. The chin will withstand a considerable range of temperatures, but if 
> the wind is strong the chin requires protection just as do the nose and 
> cheeks. The mouth and eyes are more difficult to protect. A complete face 
> mask should be used in severe weather. The Navy winter helmet will protect 
> practically all parts of the head.
> 5. You've got only one set of eyes, so treat them kindly. No matter how 
> strong you think your eyes are, they are subject to snow blindness and 
> perhaps permanent injuries unless you take care. Snow blindness is caused 
> by glare on snow and ice, not only from light reflected directly by the sun 
> but also from the diffused light when the sky is dark and overcast. Though 
> actual blindness does not result, the condition is painful and very 
> serious. Rubbing the eyes will increase the burning and stinging sensation. 
> The only treatment is complete rest by wearing dark glasses, or, in severe 
> cases, by bandaging the eyes.
> To prevent snow blindness, dark glasses should be worn at all times. They 
> should have shields to prevent glare from entering at the sides. The rims 
> should not be made of metal as they might stick to the skin. Polaroid glass 
> does not help because light is reflected from many different planes. The 
> goggles that are issued with Navy winter clothing will do very well. If 
> goggles or dark glasses are not at hand, you can make goggles of pieces of 
> canvas or other heavy cloth, cardboard or even pieces of wood, with narrow 
> slits for the eyes. Blackening the cheeks and nose with soot is helpful.
> 6. Freezing of the flesh about the face or head may happen so quickly that 
> you won't notice it. At the moment of freezing a sharp pain shoots through 
> the affected part and it suddenly turns white. There is an unwritten law in 
> cold countries that each man will call attention to his companion's face 
> whenever he sees these characteristic white areas.
> Old Man Winter - with salt in his hair from the high seas or with snow in 
> his beard from the Russian steppes - either can be your enemy or your ally. 
> It's very much up to you.

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