A good friend of mine has a couple of daughters older than my daughter, and 
he's good to find nice equipment for them, and passing it along.  So, for 
my daughter, I had two really good bikes for her as she was growing, until 
we could get her onto something that could last.   (And, one of them I've 
held onto, to pass along to my granddaughter once she's older).

Once my daughter was outgrowing the KHS, at that point, I put her on a Trek 
, which could handle her when she was 9, but is capable of adjusting for 
her.... I can easily ride it if I crank up the seatpost...    

Part of my thought on putting her on a 26" bike, even when she was 9, was 
that it was like a 29'er for her.   And it's 'upright' for her, too.   Not 
like she's was doing singletrack at 9.....

But, I suppose, more to the point:   think that, instead of throwing down a 
lot of cash on a bike that gets them through until they're ready for a 
bigger bike, might suggest checking w/ friends that have kids a bit older, 
see if there's something that'll tide y'all over for a couple of years.... 



On Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 6:52:24 PM UTC-5, LeahFoy wrote:
> Hi, All,
> My 6 year old has almost outgrown his little Specialized Hotrock with 16 
> inch wheels. He will fit the 20 inch soon, if not now. I would like a new 
> bike for him by July, as we have some biking adventures planned and WOW 
> would it be nice for him to have bigger wheels and gears!
> Anyway, Specialized and Trek have their normal offerings, but I guess I am 
> looking for a Riv-esque bike. A bike with upright bars instead of those 
> slammed straight variety. Sadly, that is the bar-type on the 16 inch bike, 
> and it's perfect, but the bike companies do away with them on the bigger 
> bikes. And is is maybe too much to ask for something that would eventually 
> take a back rack (cringe)?
> Is there some off-brand that would accommodate these wishes?
> Thanks in advance!
> Leah

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