+1 on jacksrbetter making really good stuff.

I find mummy sleeping bags confining, but they are supposed to be that
way to eliminate draughts. I've used a quilt with wings for a couple
of years now and really like it. The Shenondoah is good for summer and
I go over to the Hudson River in the fall. If I'm camping in the
winter I add a Montbell thermawrap jacket

On Oct 17, 10:28 pm, Bone Killian <vi...@bonius.com> wrote:
> On Oct 13, 3:16 pm, usuk2007 <clive.stand...@umassmed.edu> wrote:
> > Take a look at
> >www.jacksrbetter.com
> > They do a nice line of down sleeping quilts. They pack down small and
> > don't cost as much as many down bags.
> > They must be used with a sleeping pad and give you lots of options for
> > moving about.
> I have 2 JRB quilts, and heartily recommend them.  All of JRB's stuff
> is made in the USA, too.
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