I liked 'em too, gave a set as a gift once, and they're still in use.
I think they were just a bit too expensive (and maybe too wide) to
catch on with the hipster fixie set, or Grant could have made a
killing there. Even classic bikes can use a bit of frivolous fun.
Bill Connell
St. Paul, MN

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 9:05 AM, newenglandbike <matthiasbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I thought they looked awesome.   Standing still, or otherwise.
> On Oct 14, 10:01 am, eflayer <eddie.fla...@att.net> wrote:
>> I'm thinking the idea of a pinwheel treatment to tires did not go over
>> very well.  I thought they looked dorky when standing still, and you
>> the rider, could not see the "blend" while you were riding the the
>> bike.
>> On Oct 13, 10:07 pm, Seth Vidal <skvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Just curious - did speedblends just go out of production or did they
>> > get shelved for some other reason? I've never ridden on tires with
>> > speedblend sidewalls - I just thought they looked cool.
>> > -sv

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