> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 10:40:33 -0400
> Subject: [RBW] Re: Clipless Pedals
> From: skvi...@gmail.com
> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Steve Park <steve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > The philosophy is about keeping bicycles fun and practical, not
> > categorically rejecting certain equipment.  If clipless pedals are
> > functional and enjoyable then you are on the right track.  No heresy
> > there.
> >
> > my road and mtb bikes have Time ATACs paired with recessed cleat MTB
> > shoes.  Great, Easy to get in and out of, no hot spots and walkable
> > supportive shoes.
> > my town bike has MKS sneaker pedals...great for sneakers as
> > advertised.
> >
> I use the mks touring pedals on everything and the only gripe I have
> with them is if I'm wearing my simple shoes and it is AT ALL wet
> outside, they make a squeaky noise and my foot slips around more than
> I'd like.
> I might try a pair of the sneaker pedals out and see how they fare.
> I've also considered a set of the rubber-topped wellgos that are
> fairly pretty and dirt cheap.
> I tried clips and clipless (and for the record the name clipless for a
> pedal that you 'clip into' just annoys the crap out of me) and I found
> I like being able to move my feet around w/o thinking about it.
> -sv
> -sv

I don't like to ride without anything to hold my feet on the pedals. A good 
compromise that works fine is to just use toe clips without the straps. Not 
sure if you can do that with plastic toe clips, but the chromed metal ones work 
fine like that. It's the best,  non-extremist way to keep your feet reasonably 
free without having them slip around on the pedals.Half clips work the same way.
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