Nice article.   So basically we are just going back to the All-Terrain 
Bikes that came out of Marin County in the late 70's and early 80's.   I've 
done a bit of reading about the history of the MTB (as well as watching 
Klunkerz) and those guys (and a couple of girls) were really just doing 
exactly what Guitar Ted is talking about........developing bikes that could 
be ridden almost anywhere.  The whole downhill/extreme terrain thing came 
about when the racers took over.  I know that Repack was all about racing 
and was a huge influence but it seems those guys were doing a lot of what 
would now be called expedition biking.  

I've evolved to prefer just that type of bike and no longer have any 
interest in riding anything less than 55mm tires.  When I picked up a 1984 
MTB last year, I did some research on bikes from that era and in 1985 
Bicycling put out a book and they were still referring to them as ATB's, 
which is actually much more appropriate than "mountain bike".   

On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 11:21:18 AM UTC-6, Noah Deuce wrote:
> Hyperbole, sure, but the drum GP has been beating for decades (better tire 
> clearance, too much emphasis on racing, etc.) has finally turned into a 
> product "category" that may save the industry from itself. 
> Just see the latest by Guitar Ted: 

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