It's been a pretty good saddle for me.  I'd recommend some sort of saddle 
support if you carry much stuff, though.  My loops haven't slipped but I use a 
small bag (Carradice Zipped Roll) and don't carry much in there.  I think I'd 
use a support if I was carrying much more...


-----Original Message-----
[]on Behalf Of usuk2007
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 1:03 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch
Subject: [RBW] Re: Viva bag loops on a San Marco Regal

Thanks, I've been a Brooks rider most of my life, but now I'm going to
try out the San Marco Regal. I just can't bring myself to ride my

On Oct 2, 11:51 am, "Frederick, Steve" <>
> Yeah, I'm running that combination.  It's a little narrow, but I turned the 
> loops outward slightly at an angle and the straps go through them okay...
> Steve Frederick, East Lansing, MI
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []on Behalf Of usuk2007
> Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 9:33 AM
> To: RBW Owners Bunch
> Subject: [RBW] Viva bag loops on a San Marco Regal
> Has anyone experience of using the VO's Viva bag loops with a San
> Marco Regal saddle. Specifically can you orient the loops and get them
> far enough apart for easy saddlebag installation?

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