Definitely orange! It's my favorite color but I'm currently without an  
orange bike.


On Sep 29, 2009, at 17:15, "Bryan @ Renaissance Bicycles" 
 > wrote:

> We thought it might be fun to fan the flames a little bit, so we took
> some side-by-side photos:
> Obviously the Green is a popular, judging by how quickly Rivendell
> sold out of a few sizes.  But lately, our customers are after the
> Orange.
> My vote is for the Green, but then again it is much closer to my
> personal color palette my wife calls "Earth Monotone".
> Cheers,
> Bryan
> [Disclaimer:  As always, we try to be true to the actual color of the
> frame, but between studio lighting, digital camera, iPhotoshop-ing,
> and monitor calibration, your mileage may vary.]
> >

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