> I and other Randonneurs/Randonneuses ride big mileage on our Rivendells, 
> but I personally am an adherent of the Jan Heine school of thought when it 
> comes to tires and I don't think I would like to ride a Schwalbe Marathon.

I've used Paselas, JB greens & blues, T-serves, Marathon Supremes and 
standard Marathons for brevets. The worst of the bunch was probably the 
Jack Brown Blues. I used 700x32 standard Marathons on two 600ks, both of 
which included a lot of rain and a lot of riding on hwy shoulders. I just 
didn't want to be changing flats at 11pm at night in the rain. I used 
T-serves for a 1200k. They were fine too. I didn't lose any fillings due to 
their lack of subtleness. Subtle tires are okay and certainly have their 
place but there's not a deal breaker for a good time randonneuring (pun 


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