Hey, I'll play.  We fish 12 months/year here.  The Texas hill country has 
limestone warmwater creeks.  The southernmost trout tailwater in the US is 
20 minutes from my house, and is in John Ross's book America's 100 Best 
Trout Streams (I fished with John when he was down here).  I'm two hours 
shortest distance to the Gulf coast.  It's lined with barrier islands and 
miles-on-miles of foot-deep flats and turtle grass.  

Within the hill country, one noteworthy county as removed the right-of-way 
from all county roads to eliminate parking at the crossings.  Texas also 
has a "navigable water" rule where the landowner owns the river bottom on 
any creek less than 30' wide.  The headwaters have wonderful spring creeks 
that fish better than the middle rivers, which get pumped for agriculture. 
 These spots are prime bike-fishing.  The right-of-way rule is not to keep 
out fishermen, but to keep out those who would literally bring their bbq 
grills and literally crap on the landowner's bank.  Likewise the landowners 
who don't have to give you access don't want your vehicle drawing attention 
to their crossing.  But the sheriffs and Most of the landowners are 
amenable to biking in - parking a car is the problem for them.  
So for many of these places, we can park at a state road and bike a few 
miles to get in.  Zoeller Lane from Sisterdale to Waring is both a great 
bike ride and a great fish.  Likewise, Morris Ranch Road between Tivydale 
and Harper.  With gravel tires, bike fish can open up a new world of access 
- crossing you can't get to by car (River Bend road and the back way to 
(anyone whose still interested, here's a slideshow of my home water  
http://bulldog1935.u.yuku.com/gallery/slideshow/fid/61159 , and here are 
some fish, though most are tailwater trout  
http://bulldog1935.u.yuku.com/gallery/slideshow/fid/61108 , and for the 
person who can't get too much, my hobby business is repairing and buying 
and selling vintage fly reels, which has paid for my tackle collection, 
many bike parts, and kayaks, even. 
http://bulldog1935.u.yuku.com/gallery/slideshow/fid/61509  ) 

Another kudo for Brian at Carsick designs.  His roll-top panniers have nice 
end pouches that fit a rod tube.  


of course the pannier easily fits a Brady bag and my wet-wading shoes. 
 With a second pannier and rando bag, I can haul my waders and cleated 
boots and everything I need for a day of coldwater fishing.  In the pannier 
slot is a 4-pc. rod, and I can also haul 3-pc, which is the typical bamboo 
rod configuration.  The Japanese travel everywhere by train, and have tiny 
multipiece rods to save face on the train.  


This is a 7' 6-pc. Japanese glass rod that fits in a rod tube only 15 
inches long, and, of course, is a cinch to bikefish.  

On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 8:22:37 AM UTC-5, Skenry wrote:
> I do, I don't combine the two often, but I enjoy fly fishing, and fishing 
> in general, especially with my sons.   I have a great Browning takedown rod 
> that fits inside a 2foot case.  It could easily stick out the top of a 
> pannier or onto a rear rack, mostly though, I use it from a kayak.   
> Scott
> Dayton, OH
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Roy Drinkwater <royd...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>      The Redemption topic got me thinking about how many RBW members fly 
>> fish.  I know that Grant fishes, but how many others?  Fly fishing seems 
>> like a natural hobby along with good bikes, right?
>> Roy Drinkwater
>> Lititz, PA
>> -- 
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