The N-S has a reinforcing layer (which is absent in the lighter Maxy Fasty 
model)) so your chances of "too far" are not great. How about rotating your 
tires? I do at 1,500 miles.

From: d2mini <>
To: RBW Owners Bunch <>
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 12:59:48 PM
Subject: [RBW] Miles on Nifty Swiftys?

What should i expect out of these tires?
Right now I've got 2500 miles on them and the rear "tread" pattern is
worn off on the main contact patch in the middle.
How long do you think the rear will last. The front obviously seems
less worn.
I usually end up replacing tires around 3k i think.
Just don't want to wear them too thin.


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