I prefer friction. Maybe because it's what I cut my teeth on but to me it's 
simple, feels good and the end results are the same. Joes spot on on this, 
the Riv shifters are smoooooth. Ratchet or not, I'll take friction. But 
that's just me. 

On Saturday, June 21, 2014 11:58:51 AM UTC-5, Tim wrote:
> I've been fighting with the shifting on my Hilsen for months now. I have a 
> 3x9 Ultegra drive train with Dura Ace bar end shifters. I'm admittedly not 
> the best mechanic in the world but I built up my girlfriend's Sam and it 
> shifted just fine, even after switching out Mustache bars w/bar ends to 
> Albatross w/thumbies. I built my Hunqapillar up with less than stellar 
> shifting. So last spring I put on a new chain, cassette, chain rings, and 
> cables. It's never really been great since. It slipped and skipped, 
> especially in the lower gears (which, of course, made it really 
> inconvenient when climbing steep stuff.) I changed cables again recently 
> with the same middling results. It wasn't unrideable but it was pretty 
> annoying. I have my first 400k coming up next Saturday, so last night I 
> started from scratch. I loosened the rear derailer cable (the front has 
> always been fine) and used Sheldon Brown's method of setting up on the 
> third smallest cog and getting the cable snug, with both barrel adjusters 
> one full turn back from all the way tightened. I went on a 75 mile, hilly 
> route today with similar results. It was a wee bit better but it still 
> jumped around, mostly in the lowest gears on both the middle and small 
> chainrings. I tried going both ways with the barrel adjusters to no avail. 
> I would shift a notch but still have to try and trim a half notch or so to 
> get it right. So finally I stopped and took the shifter out of index mode 
> and into friction mode. Viola! It shifted like butter! What a wonderful 
> relief. I had tried index mode once before but only briefly. This time it 
> is great. I'm not sure if the indexing is wearing out on the shifter or 
> what. I would tend to suspect my not so great mechanic ability, but the 
> great thing is, it doesn't matter. I loved the friction shifting. I think I 
> may never go back. This is one more thing that Grant is right about. I 
> wonder, could a set of Silver bar ends be in my future....? 

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