Jan Heine comes along and posts his observations on his Japan travels.  God 
bless him, we are not going to shoot the messenger here, but the upshot is 
the Japanese are serious randonneurs, city bikers, racers and all kinds of 
things.   They are making and have been making some really fine bicycles 
with distinctive innovations and deviations from what we think of as the 
"norm" here.  They are certainly no slaves to using a particular 
manufacturer's "group"  These are not your father's Nishikis.

I started looking at some of the bicycle builders mentioned in Jan's 
articles (Hirose, Toei, Grand Bois, ...) and was stunned.

One of the best examples is here at General 


Custom rear derailleur braise ons.
Custom front dérailleur braise ons.
Hub area rack.
Internal cables.
Tire (actually rim) friction dynamo that looks like it might work.
Braised on rear lamp mounting.
Much more.

I am going to extend my next Japan business trip to doing some bicycle shop 
visitations and hopefully make some time to ride with people there and hear 
what they think.



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