On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 2:17 AM, CycloFiend <cyclofi...@earthlink.net>wrote:

> Options have been tried -
> http://www.cyclofiend.com/rbw/quickbeam/#qbhistory
Yeah, I like these ideas, just what I had in mind.  Is there any history
about how well these experiments turned out? : )

> and certainly, it's a model that's open to lots of experimentation. But, if
> you are dead-set against single speed (or limited gearing options), is it
> really the right bike for your needs?
Well, maybe not, but I've been searching eBay (and craigslist, and this
list) for a long time for another large frame, and so far I've found only
low-end bike-boomers, and I already have one of those.  I get pretty excited
when I find something worth serious attention.  Maybe I should just set up
my old straight-gauge Fuji Royale with a 7-speed hub and see how I like
that.  I think I am agreeing with those who think this frame is overpriced

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