Rivendell keeps a serial number database-- if you register it:

(Yes, it's stamped on the bottom bracket shell.)

I have a list of my bikes' serial numbers on my phone (in the odd and 
extremely small likelihood that I need it on hand).



On Sunday, May 4, 2014 12:37:24 AM UTC-4, cyclot...@gmail.com wrote:
> Sore subject, my Salsa hasn't turned up. I take pics of all my serial 
> numbers: http://inlandempire.craigslist.org/bik/4374823920.html Hasn't 
> done much good so far...
> As for garage doors, I left mine open while I was in the house, but to 
> help secure the garage when it's closed, remove the cord handle, and/or zip 
> tie the lever into the closed position: 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSO_HTBHLFI
> Cheers,
> David
> "it isn't a contest. Just enjoy the ride." - Seth Vidal
> On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 9:20 PM, Tom Virgil <tevi...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> From 
>> sfgate<http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/nevius/article/Here-s-how-to-get-your-stolen-bike-back-in-S-F-5448933.php#page-1>.
>>  The article has some reasonable ideas.  The comments are chaotic so please 
>> don't be discouraged by them.
>> It made me think.  Do I even know or have I recorded the bicycle frame 
>> serial number of my Sam?  Nope.  I do not even know if it has one.  I went 
>> back to my original invoice at the rivbike My Account to see if one was 
>> recorded there.  It was not. Perhaps that would be a good idea if Riv bikes 
>> have such a concept.
>> Failing the above, I will call Jared on Monday to see if Riv bikes have 
>> serial numbers and where to find them.  More immediately, before tomorrow's 
>> ride I will check the underside of the bottom bracket (the obvious place) 
>> and see of one is stamped there.
>> As is the case with most of you, my Sam arrived partially assembled.  I 
>> have stuffed business cards and a "reward" card down the seat tube before 
>> installing the seat post.  I would remove them if I sold Sam (not bloody 
>> likely unless my heirs prey my cold dead hands off of his new eggplant 
>> taped noodle bars.)
>> We hear from time to time of a stolen bike on this list and there is a 
>> very good response from members as to remedies.  That is greatly 
>> appreciated.
>> The latest here in San Diego is theft from garages.  I live in a gate 
>> guarded community with security patrols and still the thieves tailgate 
>> gardeners and maids.  Charming as they might be, windows on your roll up 
>> garage doors just let the thieves see what can be had.  Hanging your bikes 
>> from the ceiling and frosting those windows could help.  They are also 
>> using  garage door band frequency scanners to see what pops open when they 
>> roll through the neighborhood.  There are newer garage door controllers 
>> that are resistant to that.
>> The worst is having some thief jump in front of you on the bikeway and 
>> announce he is taking your bike from you.   This has been happening on the 
>> Santa Ana River Trail and the Highway 56 route.  Nothing is worth your 
>> life, so give it over if you must.  The same attitude you should have 
>> toward a car jack. My solution to this situation (has happened twice) is 
>> not suitable for polite discussion on this forum.  I have not lost any 
>> bikes.  On a more positive note, I would advice much situational awareness 
>> and using continuous emotional awareness as to what you are riding into.
>> ~Tom
>>  -- 
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