I'm in. Almost any Sunday works for me; got to watch my daughter play
soccer on Saturday.


On Sep 9, 6:05 pm, Gino Zahnd <ginoza...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you guys are talking about NorCal, why are you planning something
> down in the central part of the coast?  ;-)
> I'd suggest doing something that starts at The Bridge™, heads into
> Marin, and back.  The SF Rando crew do all sorts of rides out that
> way, the loops are well defined, the breweries and coffee shops and
> bakeries are plenty, and there are plenty of choices for those who
> want to turn it into a mixed terrain ride.
> I'm up for organizing it if we can agree to Marin county (simply
> because that's the area I know best.). My initial draft would go
> something like this:
> GG Bridge or Sausalito to Pt. Reyes, and back, via the Cross-Marin
> trail.  Along the way, there is Iron Springs Brewing, which is a few
> doors down from Fairfax Coffee Roasting. Both are excellent. In Pt.
> Reyes, there's the lovely Bovine Bakery, which is most excellent and
> frequented by Cyclofiend and yours truly.  And, there are several
> choices to take nice off road sections. 70 miles round trip, if I
> ain't mistaken. Beautiful for certain.
> Bikes, coffee, beer, great food in a beautiful place.
> Does that work? Who's in?  And, when?
> Cheers,
> Gino (in Chico)
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Jim M. <mather...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm open to all possibilities. Actually, I was hoping someone would
> > jump in and organize it and I could just show up. :-)
> > We could start in Martinez, cross the Benicia Bridge, come back over
> > the Carquinez Bridge, and get some dirt road stuff in there
> > someplace?  I'll give it some more thought.
> > On Sep 9, 4:00 pm, Eric Norris <campyonly...@me.com> wrote:
> >> Could be a possibility. Where and when?
> >> --Eric In Davis
> >> campyonly...@me.comwww.campyonly.comwww.wheelsnorth.org
> >> On Sep 9, 2009, at 3:52 PM, Jim M. wrote:
> >> > The last N. Cal Riv Ride I remember was over a year ago in conjunction
> >> > with the RBW swap meet. That didn't happen this year. Anyone want to
> >> > ride?
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