The library is a good idea.  All those years of college made me forget that 
public libraries have a lot of old periodicals.  I've contacted our library 
to see if inter-library loan will work.  I'll see if I can find out more 
publishing information but I'm not sure where to look for that, besides a 

On Monday, March 24, 2014 3:41:54 PM UTC-5, Chris Lampe 2 wrote:
> Anyone have this issue and would you be willing to scan a few pages and 
> e-mailing them to me? A few months ago I picked up an 80's Takara 
> Highlander on Craiglist but I have been completely unsuccessful in finding 
> any information on the bike. I just bought the 1985 Bicycling Magazine All 
> Terrain Bikes issue thinking it was the buyer's guide but it's actually a 
> history of mountain biking and a how-to guide. But, in this book they did 
> mention that the 1985 Buyer's Guide has a review of the Takara Highlander! 
> The brief description supports my suspicions that the bike has cro-mo main 
> tubes but I would be very interested in reading the entire review (which 
> also included three other MTB's).
> Reading Grant's ideas on bicycles is what has led me to be curious about 
> these early, slack-angled MTB's and I know that a lot of folks here have 
> been into bikes for a long time so maybe I'll get lucky.  

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