+3 for two little girls (3; 6 weeks)...but I studied the social
sciences, which is good for my soul but not as good for my bike fund
as medicine or law would have been.

Your P/R is one of the best...congrats on the Hilsen.  I'm sure you'll
put it together quite nicely.

San Diego, Calif.

On Sep 7, 7:07 am, PATRICK MOORE <bertin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Two little girls *and* studying medicine! If you still find time to ride,
> good for you!
> Welcome, and let us have photos --- well, don't push it, given your
> schedule. (I was married to a pediatrician for six years and know at least
> second hand what med school is like. I have one (1) eight year old daughter
> myself. 54, though.)
> On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 3:36 PM, William F. House 
> <williamfho...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Hello RBW Owners Group,
> > Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I'm 38, married, have two
> > beautiful girls (Jack, 8 and Pixie 6 months) and I have the most
> > incredible wife in the world. I'm studying medicine and try to enjoy a
> > little free time on occasion. I've just recently gotten into biking
> > and have a Kogswell P/R - which you can check out on Flickr if you're
> > so inclined (
> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/lushmojo/sets/72157620927931213/
> > ). I just put a deposit on a 61cm A. Homer Hilsen. It's going to be a
> > dark green custom paint and set up as a single-speed (with a chain
> > tensioner). I just ordered some VO stainless fenders for it and can't
> > wait to get the AHH out and about here in Boulder, Colorado.
> --
> Patrick Moore
> Albuquerque, NM
> Professional Resumes. Contact resumespecialt...@gmail.com
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