I've got a full size workstand, but the last few bikes I've built up,  
I didn't even bother to use it.
I just lean the bike on a wall or piece of furniture. I turn it upside  
down to install BB and cranks.


On Jul 31, 2009, at 21:29, Horace <max...@sdf.lonestar.org> wrote:

> I've done that before. It's not too bad, if you are indeed short on
> space. You can't really use it for working on the bottom bracket or
> headset. And you might get tired of squatting low to do stuff. But I
> did that for years when I lived in a small apartment.
> Horace.
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Aaron  
> Thomas<aaron.a.tho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Has anyone tried to do an entire bike build from the ground up using
>> one of the two leg stands, such as the one sold by VO?
>> http://www.velo-orange.com/twolegstand.html
>> Any other recommendations for inexpensive stands that don't take up
>> much space so that they are easy to store in a small apartment  
>> setting?
> >

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