Our town sees fit to grade the roads in the middle of the monsoon so
we have lots of mud - like riding on syrup.

FWIW, I think the raingear from Lou at Foxwear is the best there is.
I have two pair of his rain pants and no matter how hard it rains, I'm
dry from ankle to waist. On the upper side, I don't think any garment
shy of a Posieden dry suit is going to keep water out of one's cuffs
but Lou's jackets, as well as the pricey ones from Craft, do a good
job from neck to waist & elbow.  Check out Lou at http://www.foxwear.net/

Walden, Vt.

On Jul 25, 8:15 pm, MichaelH <mhech...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jim, I think you're on the right track.  I've been wishing for a
> rolhoff hub driven by a Gates, self cleaning, carbon fiber belt.  I've
> also been thinking about a rain cape.  Actually I don't mind getting
> wet but when you ride over dirt roads in the rain you will arrive with
> muddy legs.  My full length Honjo fenders help but they can only do so
> much.
> Less you think I jest, here are some pictures taken of last weeks hail
> storm.  Westford is a town of about 2000, about 45 minutes from the
> Ca. border. You don't want to ride through this 
> stuff.http://www.westfordweather.net/hail.php
> Forecast for the foreseeable future scattered showers and thunder
> showers every day.
> peace,
> Michael
> Westford, Vt
> On Jul 25, 2:26 pm, Jim Cloud <cloud...@aol.com> wrote:
> > I guess living as I do in a desert climate (Tucson, AZ) "blessed" with
> > almost unremitting daytime sunshine (even on days with rain in the
> > forecast it's rarely an all day thing), I can't fully relate to your
> > situation (I'm also past the point in life where bike commuting is
> > part of my equation).  However, if I was attempting to deal with
> > recurrent rain, especially for a daily commute  of your distance, I'd
> > personally think that emulating the British cyclist would be a good
> > idea.  This means a bike with a planetary hub gear, and riding with a
> > cape.  Also a nice thermos with tea or coffee!
> > Jim
> > On Jul 24, 4:11 am, MichaelH <mhech...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Those of you who live on the East Coast know that it has been raining
> > > incessantly for the past two months, in fact the Spring rains have
> > > never actually stopped.  My daily commute includes ten miles of dirt
> > > road and a great deal of the remaining 20 miles has been under
> > > construction all summer.  The bike has really taken a beating.
> > > Unrelated to that, I treated myself to a new sparkling DaVinci
> > > Crank.  I decided to convert my Ebisu commuter to a triple, making it
> > > more useful for touring and freeing up the existing Cospea crank for
> > > my classic racing bike which has a mismatch between the 1988 vintage
> > > Chorus crank and the 1944 vintage engine.   So last night the bike got
> > > cleaned, and I mean cleaned - down to the insides of the jockey pulley
> > > wheels. Then the beautiful new cranks and shiny rings were installed.
> > > Brakes got adjusted, the chain got fresh drops of Pro Link and I left
> > > it ready to go.
> > > This morning I sit here in cycling shorts and jersey, staring at a
> > > leaden sky promising to fall on us at any moment and I don't want to
> > > take my shiny bike out into the wet and the dirt.
> > > Michael
> > > In Westford Vt
> > > where my wife has offered me her car for the day.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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