I too have experienced some level of aggro from "serious" cyclists
when I happen to be in the mix, a situation I prefer to avoid.  There
is an A-Type segment of the population drawn to cycling who view it as
another arena where they might assert themselves, for reasons that
aren't readily apparent.  They have what I (in my own elitist fashion)
consider poor taste in bikes and gear, and announce a monolithic view
of cycling.  They certainly don't like my wald basket.  I generally
chalk it up to insecurity, perhaps the result of a lack of athletic
achievement in their youth, mediocre performance in law school,
coupled with inherently poor manners.

The attitude is not unique to this idiom, though.  I've seen it
manifest in the long-distance running and even the kayaking
communities as well.  Over time I have come to the conclusion that it
is best not to engage with them, and that it is ethically
inappropriate to assault these psychically damaged and socially
challenged individuals.  Pity them.  They eat their own bad

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