I've used 1" tubes in 2" tires, in a pinch. Not ideal, but no problems.

On 7/7/09, JGS <jonat...@jonfipro.com> wrote:
> The tires came, tubes were installed and all is well.
> By the way, the Marathon Racers after a short ride around the
> neighborhood.  They don't seem noticeably slower than the 1.25 inch
> Tservs and they definitely take on the unavoidable bumps of Brooklyn
> better.  If memory serves, the 1.5 Pasela TGs I had on when I first
> got the bike were a drag in comparison.
> On Jul 7, 5:31 pm, Steve Park <steve...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I almost always use a tube that is sized slightly smaller than the
>> tire, simply because it seems to be easier to stuff a small tube
>> inside the tire when I'm mounting the tire.   I've never had an issue
>> with reliability.
> >

Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
Professional Resumes. Contact resumespecialt...@gmail.com

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