On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 12:50 PM, CycloFiend<cyclofi...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Got doored on my way home from work Monday evening. Caught it on the right
> paw, which put me on the ground pretty darned quickly.
> http://ramblings.cyclofiend.com/?p=368
> I'll probably write something longer when typing isn't such a PITA. If you
> click through the image, there are some photos of picking up the Quickbeam
> from the police the next day.
> I had my wife take some photos of the sewing job.  Haven't posted that and
> I'll probably spare all's y'all from that image.

Ouch, sorry to hear about it. My one dooring a few years back was
pretty minor, just a bump on the head, but i've certainly imagined the
possibility of taking the door edge in the hand before. Glad there
weren't broken bones in there too. Heal quickly, do your PT, you'll
need that range of motion for CX season :-)

Bill Connell
St. Paul, MN

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