As one cop (the nice kind) told my brother once, many cops come from the
same pool as the criminals they chase. I know I've come across stupid jerk
cops; but many are also normal, ie polite with nothing to prove.
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Joe Bartoe <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Saturday, I had an interesting experience. I was approaching a stop sign in
> San Clemente when two OC Sheriffs on motorcycles passed through the
> intersection going the opposite direction. One of these guys, upon seeing
> me, came to a complete stop in the middle of the road so he could see
> whether I would stop at the sign. Part of me was tempted to stop without
> putting my foot down to see what he would do, but I decided that any cop
> willing to stop and watch me like this was just waiting to ruin my ride, so
> I put my foot down and then continued through. I'm still in disbelief that
> this guy actually stopped in the middle of a roadway and obstructed traffic
> (he almost got hit by a car from behind) just to watch me stop at the
> intersection.
> It seemed to me that these two were patrolling for the sole purpose of
> ticketing cyclists. The Irvine Bicycle Club was having their annual weekend
> trip to Carlsbad and back this past weekend and these two were heading down
> along their route. Last month, there was another club doing a ride down in
> San Diego County and motorcycle officers in Oceanside were camped out along
> their route (note that these were club rides, not big organized rides),
> issuing tickets to riders who failed to completely stop at a stop sign. In
> both cases, this was done on a road that was not a major road and at places
> where riders going through the stop sign would not cause much harm even if
> they did blow through them (they were at T-intersections where riders were
> passing through the top, where they wouldn't obstruct a turning car).
> With all the bad driving that I see all over, this seems like a big waste
> of time and it feels like these guys are singling out cyclists. In addition,
> they seem to be a little too aware of where bike club rides are going to be
> and taking advantage of that situation.
> Sorry, this is more of a rant, but it annoys me a lot that there seems to
> be some element in law enforcement that feels that we as cyclists are such
> scofflaws that we merit this extra attention.
> Joe
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Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
Professional Resumes. Contact

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