on 5/30/09 8:16 PM, CycloFiend wrote:

> The alignment tool will show any twisting that took place, as well as
> provide a good way to cold set it back to position.  I wouldn't as a
> practice bend it by the threaded hole for the derailleur.  You can ovalize
> the opening or gank the threads. My tool of choice is a set of parallel jaw
> pliers or a wide crescent wrench set tightly to the thickness of the hanger,
> up from the bottom of the frame, covering as much of the hanger as possible.
> Go easy and smoothly.

Just to clarify that comment - the shop tool threads into the derailleur
hanger, so any pressure will be relatively distributed through the threads
and hole. Putting a hex wrench inside the hole can put too much pressure in
one small spot. 

If I had the shop tool, I'd use that. Without the shop tool, the choices
mentioned above.

- J

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
Singlespeed - Working Bikes

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"I thought the idea was to waste the rest of our lives together.."
-- Cyril, "Breaking Away"

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