A family visit to Covington, LA this weekend provided an opportunity for a ride 
on the Tammany Trace. It's been ages since I've had a flat ried on a rail 
trail. A fun interlude from the usual, and good company with cousins along. 
Somewhere on the ride, a fellow on a painted Seven pulled alongside, looked at 
my Rambouillet, and said, "Nice bike. I've got an Atlantis." before zooming 
off. Now, a Seven is not too shabby, but it is nice to hear, in effect, 'My 
other bike is a Rivendell." :)

Here are our bikes racked by the Abita Trailhead. The ride behind mine is a 
near new condition '85 Trek Pro 560. Abita has a great little brewery, using 
the spring water there. A seasonal brew, strawberry, was quite good as an 
after-ride thirst slaker.

The beer worked wonders at putting out the fire from the "spicy" batch of 
boiled crawfish we ate later as well.


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