Opening the bag at the back does not allow the use of a bar tube bag which I 
find to be a nice compliment to the front opening Little Loafer. The 2 bags 
work really well together on a Hilsen, just like a banana bag and big loafer in 
back. So I like the front opening bag because it allows more luggage options, 
and I have not found riding in the rain to be an issue as the rain fly over the 
zipper is a good one.  Thanks,   Ron F.

--- On Mon, 5/18/09, Bruce <> wrote:

From: Bruce <>
Subject: [RBW] Re: Nigel Smythe or?
Date: Monday, May 18, 2009, 12:02 PM

I've had and passed along the tweed and now have the canvas baggins on a nitto 
front rack. I like the look and feel of the canvas persoanlly. Both at good 
bags. They open at the front, while the new RBW bag opens at the rear, which is 
a better idea IMO.

From: Tom M <>
To: RBW Owners Bunch <>
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 9:19:52 AM
Subject: [RBW] Nigel Smythe or?

I just bought a Mark's rack, and I want to put a bag on it. RBW
currently has canvas versions of the Nigel Smythe Little Loaf, with
tweed versions due in June. I'm wondering if I should hold out for the
tweed, go with canvas, or consider either the Sackville or Baggins
bags. Anyone have experiences with any of the bags? Thanks.

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