My good friend has ridden his 70's era Mercian across the U.S. a couple of 
times.  I stood over his bike last summer; he has 38cm Cinelli bars on it!  
I've told him that he absolutely must try wide Noodles.  He's not easily 
persuaded, and has no complaints about his Cinellis, but I still think he's 
missing out.

My Ram came stock with 46's and I don't think I'd ever change them.  They're 
nearly perfect.

Redding, CA
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bill Connell 
  Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 9:03 AM
  Subject: [RBW] Re: noodle bars

  On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 4:40 PM, dpco <> wrote:
  > i finally broke down and installed nitto "noodle" bars on my
  > rambouillet. WOW! the flat spot on the top of the bars behind my campy
  > ergo shifters is perfect for resting my hands without the pressure
  > points. why did i wait so long?

  I'm another with only Noodles for my drop-barred bikes. Both the
  long-distance road bike (Redwood) and the singlespeed
  cyclocross/commuter bike (CrossCheck) run 46cm Noodles. I've done a
  few singlespeed conversions of 70s-80s road bikes over the years, and
  i'm amazed at how narrow the bars were then, it's hard for me to ride

  Bill Connell
  St. Paul, MN

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