Probably not feasible to go to 26".

I'd get the budget wheels and ride 'em. You can't necessarily expect
the wheels to last as long if you're heavy, but that's just a fact of


On Mar 2, 3:24 pm, Dead Mike <> wrote:
> I'm finally in the process of building up a Protovelo I got last
> summer. (Got in an accident, have been sidelined for months, long,
> boring story)
> Anyway, I'd like to get some opinions on this wheelset. I'm a bigger
> guy (about 250lbs) and probably not dropping much anytime soon. (too
> many good BBQ joints around these parts...) The Riv site mentions that
> the budget wheelset would be good for any one under 200 lbs and that
> has made me nervous to pull the trigger. I like to ride the widest
> tires possible, so I'm not looking for anything too small.
> At the same time, is it possible (actually, is it easily possible) to
> fit a set of 26" to a Protovelo? I know my sidepulls will be off
> (probably), but what other challenges would I face?
> Thanks a bunch!
> DM
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