And if you run short of toe straps, double sided Velcro comes in rolls that
you can cut to fit and use for the same purpose.  
Ted is absolutely on the right track of tieing everything together.  TSA
wastes no time re-packing what they open, they just cram it back in and slam
the lid.  One friend had a Bike Friday damaged by an overly zealous TSA
inspectors haste to close the bag and get it gone.  Fixing your broken bike
on day one of a tour is no fun.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Ted Durant
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 8:50 PM
To: RBW List
Subject: [RBW] Packing The Travelo

Packing the Travelo for a visit to Arizona next week, I happened upon  
something I thought worth sharing. I'm sure somebody's done this  
before, but in case others might benefit...

When I had the retrofit done, I bought the soft case with the full  
package of helpful goodies. One of the included items is a net that  
compresses around things to keep them together. The idea is that if a  
curious TSA inspector opens the bag, the bike parts won't come  
tumbling out and create a re-packing puzzle for said TSA inspector.  
The net is fiddly to put around everything, and it's not very  
effective in the end. As I started to put things in the case I  
realized the obvious solution, as with so many other bike-related  
problems, is toe straps. I think I ended up using five of them to  
hold all the parts together - wheels to frame, handlebars and wheels  
to frame, etc. The whole assembly ends up very nicely packaged. In  
fact, as I went to put in the handlebars I decided to rotate  
everything 90 degrees, and it was a breeze to just pick up the whole  
thing and turn it.

Tip number 2 - Maxy Fasty tires fit a whole lot easier than Fatty  
Lumpkins, but either way, 650B is way better than 700C for a break- 
apart travel bike.

Ted Durant
Milwaukee, WI, USA

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