On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:16 PM, colin p. cummings
<colinthehip...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Perhaps I'm nitpicking or my mind is too loosely fettered, but mulling
> over this term "beausage", I'm troubled by the fact that I read
> (somewhere, I don't remember, maybe here?) it is pronounced BYOO-
> SIDGE, as in "beautiful" and "usage", with no loss of the original
> words' pronunciations inside the new word.  From the first time I
> encountered this term in print, however, I immediately pronounced it
> (in my head) in the Francophone way, that is: BOW-SAHZHE (I don't know
> how to spell out the Z-ish g phonetical pronunciation).  I think my
> pronunciation is more fitting, especially since "beau" means beautiful
> (more or less) in French, and the term sounds classier and more spot-
> on when pronounce this way.  Thoughts?

I say "byoo-sidge", not just because it's the beauty that comes from
usage; but because it rhymes with sausage. In fact, I often refer to
sausages as "beausages", which is also a contraction of "beautiful

James Black
Los Angeles, CA

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