on 2/11/09 2:56 PM, Mike at mjawn...@gmail.com wrote:
> Back from my ride and it really does ride great. I had a little bit of
> a problem with some ghost shifts under stress. I'm not sure if that's
> due to frame flex or a cable tension issue.

It looked like you have a 9sp setup there. Can't quite be sure from the

Couple things to check -
I think I see a metal ferrule where the end of the cable goes into the
derailleur. Sometimes those don't fit all the way down into the cable
adjuster.  I usually end up with the composite ones there.

I swapped derailleur pulleys when I moved over to the CX setup, and haven't
had a ghost shift since then (It was not ever a big problem for me, but it
would happen every once in a great while).  Using the floating pulley with a
cassette system can cause slight chain wandering with a friction system. If
you are slightly off on your trim, it can force-shift itself, which is what
the index systems are really designed to do.

Maybe a link less in the chain?  (Can't quite see what that will do in
Large/Large if you run that combo, though...)

Is the der. loop housing a touch long?  That's one place where I tend to use
the factory cut (Shimano) bit.

Great looking ride!

- Jim

Jim Edgar

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"There were messengers who named their bikes, but Chevette never would have
done that, and somehow because she did think about it like it was something

William Gibson - "Virtual Light"

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