Quoting 42MuskhamSt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I should mention that the 700 x 28 wire bead that blew off the rim was
> on an Alex rim, if memory serves.  I have 700 x 28 wire beads tires on
> Campy rims with no problems (so far anyway).  When the tire blew off
> the rim it was a few minutes after mounting the tire in the living
> room, and not while riding.  Also, I don not believe that it was
> sloppy mounting technique that caused the tire to unseat.

I've found that there are some tubes that, although labeled correctly,  
are just large enough that it becomes extremely difficult to stuff the  
tube in and not get part of it caught under the bead.  Ordinary "not  
sloppy practice" just doesn't suffice.  My solution to this has been  
to move down to the next smaller size tube.

I notably had the problem with Specialized 559 x 1.5-1.75 tubes used  
in 650B Col de la Vie tires.  The "official" Schwalbe 650B tube says  
it also fits 559 x 1.5-1.75, and other brands of 559 x 1.75 tubes fit  
just fine, no mounting issues, in the CdlVs.  But the Specialized  
branded tubes are much larger than the Schwalbes or other brands of  
tubes I've used.  The next size down, marked 559 x 1.25 - 1.5 are a  
perfect fit: puff them up with a few pumps so they hold their shape,  
stuff them into the tire, and you couldn't catch them under the bead  
if you were trying to.

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