Ah! Definitive proof found here:

Answer to my question:
115mm Shimano BB with 3mm spacers drive side.

Thanks Joe for posting detailed information, and thanks to Brett for
posting all those Rivendell bikes!


On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 7:46 PM, Gino Zahnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Folks -
> Claire and I are installing a TA Pro 5 Vis crankset (wide range
> double)  on her Saluki.  We have a 118mm bottom bracket, but it's
> clear that a spacer or two will be necessary to make this work on the
> drive side, and maybe a longer bottom bracket.
> So, anyone out there have a recipe for BB and/or spacers for a wide
> range double TA on a Saluki?  Surely someone has done this on a
> Saluki, and I'd like them to tell me exactly what they used to make it
> work. Just want to buy the right parts, rather than guessing.  Though,
> if guessing is what it takes, I'll do it.  :-)
> Thanks,
> Gino

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