@AntonKhorev commented on this pull request.

> +    :bluesky => %r{\Ahttps?://(?:www\.)?bsky\.app/profile/([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)}
+  }.freeze
+  NO_USERNAME_PLATFORMS = %w[discord line skype slack].freeze
+  def parsed
+    URL_PATTERNS.each do |platform, pattern|
+      names = url.match(pattern)
+      if names
+        return {
+          :platform => platform.to_s,
+          :name => NO_USERNAME_PLATFORMS.include?(platform.to_s) ? 
platform.to_s.capitalize : names[1]
+        }
+      end
+    end
+    { :platform => nil, :name => url }

Maybe we should remove `http(s)://` from "names" of generic urls because the 
sidebar can get quite narrow and then `http(s)://` is going to be all you're 
able to see.

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