@gravitystorm commented on this pull request.

I would also interested in what the next step will be. How do you propose 
removing the first comments, when they are no longer used? That migration will 
need to work in an "online" manner, i.e. there needs to be code that runs 
before the migration, during the migration and after the migration. How will 
that code know if the first comment has been already deleted for a given note? 
It can't just be `all_comments.drop(1)` for example, since that won't work 
after the next migration has completed.

> +      note_ids = notes.pluck(:id)
+      sql_query = <<-SQL.squish
+        WITH first_comment AS(
+          SELECT DISTINCT ON (note_id) *
+          FROM note_comments
+          WHERE note_id BETWEEN #{note_ids.min} AND #{note_ids.max}
+          ORDER BY note_id, id
+        )
+        UPDATE notes
+        SET description = first_comment.body,
+            user_id = first_comment.author_id,
+            user_ip = first_comment.author_ip
+        FROM first_comment
+        WHERE first_comment.note_id = notes.id
+          AND first_comment.event = 'opened';

Why is this restricted to only comments with event = 'opened'? That's not the 
same logic as is currently used for creating note descriptions using comments - 
it uses `all_comments.first` without any similar restriction.

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