> > The next question is why?
> I think I've answered this multiple times already. The cartographers should 
> be in charge of what should be shown for their maps in each desired mode. We 
> should not apply any filters unless the cartographers have asked for them. 
> That's "why".

But you also say this:

> At some point in the future, we might add more functionality to allow 
> individual users to supply their own individual layer filters

So what we *should* do somehow changes at some point in the future. Looks like 
you are not that committed to stopping users from applying filters. Good.

> > But of course the negative is that you have an option that says "dark" that 
> > doesn't make anything dark.
> It will make every layer do exactly what the cartographers want to see for 
> their layers when dark mode is desired.

The cartographers don't go to user's preferences page and select "dark". Users 
do. If you don't want users to be able to select "dark", don't add that option. 
But you insisted on "dark" being there. You even rejected a pull request that 
didn't have "dark".

You should rename it to "maybe dark but most likely not" at least for the time 
being. But of course that's silly and it's easier to change the default map 
mode instead.

> Maybe some users will be surprised that requesting dark mode (or setting the 
> dark mode overrides) will not affect all the map layers,

It's not "maybe some". It's "most". Install for example *Dark Reader* and see 
what it does. The people commenting in this issue are not representative 
because they are here to complain about the darkening filter. Changing the 
default map mode to *light* will also remove it, including for anonymous users.

> but it will affect at least one of them immediately

It's not the most used layer. What matters most is what happens to the default 

And of course it wont affect anything *immediately*. *Immediately* it will set 
every map to unaltered light mode. Dark transport map is only going to appear 
when it' implemented. To implement anything it's preferable not to have 
contradictory requirements like "make it dark by default, but actually not, and 
then actually not even not but default".

> and perhaps more in the future.

Is it the same future where users are finally allowed to select a filter? But 
anyway I'm not asking why don't you want light mode default in the future, the 
situation then is going to be different. I'm asking why don't you want it now? 
Do you really want to stop some people from making maps slightly darker (but 
still enough so they know that the option is working) because supposedly some 
*cartographers* will get offended?

> I think "not all map styles have an alternative look yet" is reasonably easy 
> to understand.

It's also reasonably easy to understand that users control their own devices 
and can make them display maps however they like.

> It's not clear to me if you are asking these questions because you don't 
> understand what I want, or because you think I have missed something that 
> should be considered, or if you are asking these questions because you have 
> an alternative proposal that you would prefer to see happen instead.

Obviously I'm asking why don't we make the light map mode default for now. That 
an alternative proposal, isn't it?

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