@nertc commented on this pull request.
> + <% Locale.available
+ .map { |locale| Language.find_by(:code => locale.to_s) }
+ .select { |locale| locale }
+ .sort_by { |locale| locale[:english_name] }
+ .each do |language| %>
+ <option class="form-select" value="<%= language.code %>" <%=
"selected" if I18n.locale.to_s == language.code %>><%= language.name %></option>
Pushed code can be shortened as `Language.where(:code => Locale.available.map
{|locale| locale.to_s})`. This approach will also cause only one DB query. If
there is no other reason for language not to be used, I'll push the code with
this approach. Translating language names using i18n and not having one source
for them, may cause duplicate translations or inconsistency (because of
multiple functionalities using language names).
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