@AntonKhorev commented on this pull request.
> @@ -76,6 +85,15 @@
<li><%= link_to t("layouts.copyright"), copyright_path, :class =>
"dropdown-item" %></li>
<li><%= link_to t("layouts.help"), help_path, :class =>
"dropdown-item" %></li>
<li><%= link_to t("layouts.about"), about_path, :class =>
"dropdown-item" %></li>
+ <li>
+ <% if current_user && current_user.id %>
+ <%= link_to(preferences_path) do %>
+ <%= render "shared/language_selector", :hoverable => true,
:black => true, :classes => "dropdown-item", :disabled => true %>
`dropdown-item` here doesn't entirely work, and possibly other Bootstrap
classes either don't work as expected or are missing. Some related odd behavior
of language link/label:
- not logged in, no compact mode: no focus outline
- not logged in, compact mode: same + keyboard up/down controls stop working
- logged in, no compact mode: focus outline is present but non-standard because
no `nav-link`, but if you add it you'll need more css fixes
- logged in, compact mode: keyboard controls also not working correctly, in a
slightly different manner
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