Hi guys,
yes this is the total auth time. Is one second a usual value for a
PEAP-TLS auth?

There is no backend lookup involved, only cert validation against
multiple CAs their local downloaded crl files.

Best regards, Alex

On 2016-03-30 12:05, Hugh Irvine wrote:
> Hello Alex -
> It depends on what you are looking at.
> EAP involves multiple RADIUS messages to and from the end user device and 
> Radiator.
> If you are looking at the overall response time from the initial RADIUS 
> Access-Request, through all of the EAP back and forth, to the ultimate 
> Access-Accept, there really is nothing you can do.
> If on the other hand you are looking only at the inner EAP request and the 
> associated authentication process, as Tuure says, any delays are likely to be 
> backend lookups.
> regards
> Hugh
>> On 30 Mar 2016, at 20:57, Tuure Vartiainen <varti...@open.com.au> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> On 29 Mar 2016, at 11:53, Hartmaier Alexander 
>>> <alexander.hartma...@t-systems.at> wrote:
>>> I've copied the calculation code to my LogFormatHook code:
>>> $message->{response_time} = Radius::Util::timeInterval( \
>>>             $p->{RecvTime}, \
>>>             $p->{RecvTimeMicros}, Radius::Util::getTimeHires()); \
>>> I'd still prefer if that float was available with a placeholder variable.
>>> It shows what I was expecting, EAP authentication is slow.
>>> Any pointers where I can start optimizing the EAP auth performance?
>> hard to say without seeing your configuration and Trace 4 (DEBUG) log
>> of a single request including microseconds (LogMicroseconds).
>> I assume that those timings are for the last Access-Request of
>> EAP authentication which produces either Access-Accept or Access-Reject.
>> Usually most of the time goes to a user lookup from a backend.
>> BR
>> --
>> Tuure Vartiainen <varti...@open.com.au>
>> Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
>> anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
>> Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, Active Directory, EAP, TLS,
>> TTLS, PEAP, TNC, WiMAX, RSA, Vasco, Yubikey, MOTP, HOTP, TOTP,
>> DIAMETER etc. Full source on Unix, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris, VMS,
>> NetWare etc.
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> --
> Hugh Irvine
> h...@open.com.au
> Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
> anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
> Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, Active Directory, EAP, TLS,
> TTLS, PEAP, TNC, WiMAX, RSA, Vasco, Yubikey, MOTP, HOTP, TOTP,
> Full source on Unix, Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris, VMS, NetWare etc.

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