
On Fri, 2 Oct 2015, Nadav Hod wrote:
> Yes but as I mentioned in the original post, I suggested to access these 
> stores over a network share. These really shouldn't be local, afterall the 
> certificates can be loaded into memory and passwords can also be loaded into 
> memory. The share can be secured behind firewall (including different 
> security modules) and domain-level security. Most SMB's and enterprises 
> already have these in place. Keeping things local is bad practice for several 
> reasons.
you are free to implement this any way you like as Tuure pointed out a couple 
of posts back if you think it adds value in your specific setup.

This thread is going nowhere.

Can we please end it here.


> ________________________________________
> From: Nick Lowe [nick.l...@lugatech.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 5:52 PM
> To: Nadav Hod
> Cc: Tuure Vartiainen; radiator@open.com.au
> Subject: Re: [RADIATOR] Password/certificate security seems next to none on 
> Radiator server
> Nadav,
> You're just obfuscating by doing this as the RADIUS server still have
> to get access to those things. Security through obscurity really
> doesn't exist. It is a complete waste of time in my opinion.
> You have to reply on encryption of the backing storage and OS security
> primitives with administrative best practice to do this properly.
> There is no other way.
> Once somebody owns a box, all bets are off.
> Regards,
> Nick
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> radiator@open.com.au
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