
We are attending two exhibitions in October 2015 to promote Radiator and
to meet our Radiator customers and resellers. The two exhibitions and
their dates are:

* 2015-Oct-05 - 2015-Oct-07: LTE Asia 2015, Singapore

* 2015-Oct-20 - 2015-Oct-22: Broadband World Forum, London, UK

In addition to the exhibition days, we will be also available for 
meetings on:

* 2015-Oct-08 in Singapore

* 2015-Oct-23 in London

We welcome all our customers and agents to come to meet us at the
exhibition or outside it.

We are glad to discuss Radiator products, customer
cases, marketing and the new features in Radiator roadmap such as:

- Radiator's existing and upcoming scalability extensions
- New features to Radiator SIM Pack to fully support 3GPP AAA Server
- New features to Radiator Telco Pack based on our customer needs and input
- New Radiator NFV solutions

If you would like to meet our team in Singapore or London, please
do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Jaakko Stenhall
Sales & Marketing, Open System Consultants
+358 45 137 85 05
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