
Can you specify more than one SYSLOG host to send messages to ?

We would like to send messages to two different servers for redundancy.

I tried adding a second IP address to the LogHost attribute, but it
doesn't seem to work.

For <AuthLog SYSLOG> I just created a second <AuthLog> section with a
different Identifier pointing at the other server, but that seems kind of



Neil Johnson
Network Engineer
The University of Iowa
Phone:  +1 319 384-0938 <tel:+13193840938>
Fax:    +1 319 335-2951 <tel:+13193352951>
E-Mail:         neil-john...@uiowa.edu

Lync:   neil-john...@uiowa.edu <sip:neil-john...@uiowa.edu>

On 11/11/13 3:08 PM, "Mueller, Jason C" <jason-muel...@uiowa.edu> wrote:

>It looks like upgrading Perl is our fix. Now on to upgrading everything.
>It could be worse, so I will be happy that a Perl upgrade seems to have
>fixed the issue.
>On Nov 8, 2013, at 9:15 AM, Heikki Vatiainen <h...@open.com.au> wrote:
>> On 11/05/2013 09:22 PM, Mueller, Jason C wrote:
>>> The syslog server is configured to accept messages of all priorities.
>>>While performing a packet capture on the Radiator host, we do not see
>>>the messages go out.
>> Hello Jason,
>> I have tried a AuthLog SYSLOG on Windows 2003, 2008 and 2012 servers and
>> Windows 7. The all seem to work with ActivePerl 5.14.4 and Sys::Syslog
>> 0.32 that comes with it.
>> Which Radiator version you are using? If you search from Syslog on this
>> page:
>> http://www.open.com.au/radiator/history.html
>> E.g., Radiator 4.10 has fixes to make sure multiple Syslog users
>> AuthLog, Log, etc. work correctly.
>> Also, if you could try one configuration change, see below, you can
>> check if debug messages are sent to the syslog server.
>>>>> <Log SYSLOG>
>>>>>   Identifier syslog
>>>>>   LogSock udp
>>>>>   Facility local5
>> These options look fine. If you add 'Trace 4', radiusd generates plenty
>> of messages to see if anything gets out.
>> Thanks,
>> Heikki
>>>>> </Log>
>>>>> <AuthLog SYSLOG>
>>>>>   Identifier authsyslog
>>>>>   LogSock udp
>>>>>   Facility local5
>>>>>   SuccessFormat %H:%M:%S | %{Calling-Station-Id} | %u | OK | NAS-IP %N
>>>>>   FailureFormat %H:%M:%S | %{Calling-Station-Id} | %u | FAIL: %1 |
>>>>>NAS-IP %N
>>>>> </AuthLog>
>> -- 
>> Heikki Vatiainen <h...@open.com.au>
>> Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
>> anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
>> Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, Active Directory, EAP, TLS,
>> TTLS, PEAP, TNC, WiMAX, RSA, Vasco, Yubikey, MOTP, HOTP, TOTP,
>> DIAMETER etc. Full source on Unix, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris, VMS,
>> NetWare etc.
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