It seems you don't understand the importance of those *authorization*
requests: without them every user could authenticate against *every*
xauth group you've configured!

On 2013-11-07 18:20, Michael wrote:
> so you are talking about actually authenticating these requests
> successfully where i'm looking at stopping them.  I guess i could just
> reject all Service-Type="Outbound-User" but i was kinda just hoping to
> stop the requests all together. Thanks though.  maybe i will just make
> a handler config to just reject them.
> On 07/11/13 11:02 AM, Hartmaier Alexander wrote:
>> My memory might be wrong on the order of requests.
>> Our radiator config is as follows:
>> # handler for vpn group-users
>> <Handler Realm="group1", Service-Type="Outbound-User">
>> # those group users are also stored in our database but with a different
>> type, all have the password 'cisco'
>> # the reply attributes are group specific, e.g.:
>> Session-Timeout=0
>> Framed-IP-Netmask=
>> cisco-avpair="ipsec:dns-servers="
>> cisco-avpair="ipsec:addr-pool=group1_pool"
>> cisco-avpair="ipsec:tunnel-password=foobarbaz"
>> cisco-avpair="ipsec:default-domain=customer.tld"
>> # these control the Cisco IPSec 5.x client settings
>> cisco-avpair="ipsec:firewall=0"
>> cisco-avpair="ipsec:include-local-lan=0"
>> cisco-avpair="ipsec:save-password=0"
>> </Handler>
>> # handler for vpn users
>> <Handler Realm="yourrealm">
>> # those group users are also stored in our database but with a different
>> type
>> The reply attributes contain some of the above, not sure which one
>> overrides the other
>> </Handler>
>> On 2013-11-07 15:22, Michael wrote:
>>> i don't understand it. The requests i'm speaking of all come before
>>> the user auth.  not after.  And, they of course are all being rejected
>>> because we don't even know what they are, nor use them, nor need them.
>>> On 07/11/13 03:40 AM, Hartmaier Alexander wrote:
>>>> Yes, a Cisco IOS router configured to terminate IPSec IKEv1 client vpn
>>>> will send such an authorization request after the user auth to
>>>> check if
>>>> the user is allowed to connect using this group.
>>>> On 2013-11-07 06:04, Hugh Irvine wrote:
>>>>> Hello Michael -
>>>>> This is configured on the Cisco box - you will need to ask your
>>>>> network people to turn it off.
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Hugh
>>>>> On 7 Nov 2013, at 10:05, Michael <> wrote:
>>>>>> i'm looking to stop it. not set it up.  i'm not sure what had
>>>>>> enabled/configured it to start happening.  I guess this is probably
>>>>>> the wrong place to ask.
>>>>>> On 06/11/13 04:56 PM, Hugh Irvine wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Michael -
>>>>>>> This sounds like Cisco VPDN tunnelling.
>>>>>>> This example is from the standard “users” file in the Radiator
>>>>>>> distribution:
>>>>>>> # This example shows how to configure a Cisco VPDN circuit:
>>>>>>>     User-Password=cisco, Service-Type=Outbound-User
>>>>>>>           cisco-avpair = "vpdn:tunnel-id=cca-gw",
>>>>>>>           cisco-avpair = "vpdn:ip-addresses=",
>>>>>>>           cisco-avpair = "vpdn:nas-password=pw",
>>>>>>>           cisco-avpair = "vpdn:gw-password=pw”
>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>> Hugh
>>>>>>> On 7 Nov 2013, at 04:56, Michael <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Has anyone ever seen a situation where, for every authentication
>>>>>>>> attempt
>>>>>>>> to a radiator system from a cisco device, there is an
>>>>>>>> authentication
>>>>>>>> attempt right before it that appears to be:
>>>>>>>> - a domain (the username with the 'username@' part stripped off).
>>>>>>>> - plain text password is always 'cisco'.
>>>>>>>> - Service-Type = Outbound-User
>>>>>>>> if I remove this line from the cisco lns:
>>>>>>>> aaa authorization network TEST group TEST
>>>>>>>> ...the extra auth attempts stop, but then my radius network static
>>>>>>>> profiles don't work, so it's not a solution but it narrows down
>>>>>>>> the problem.
>>>>>>>> my auth requests for the radiator system are essentially doubled
>>>>>>>> due to
>>>>>>>> this.  This only started happening recently.  Network guys
>>>>>>>> sometimes are
>>>>>>>> like a ticking time bomb and asking them can cause an explosion
>>>>>>>> so i
>>>>>>>> thought i would ask here.
>>>>>>>> Mike
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>>>>> Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
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