As I recall, the problem was with the Windows implementation of the Sys::Syslog, which at least started as simply a perl wrapper to the unix syslog() library calls.
Both modules inherit from Sys::Syslog, so any issues experienced with 
one will
be seen by the other.
Though, as ActiveState now includes Sys::Syslog in their win32 and win64 
it might be possible to get this to work; although, the "rules of 
syslog" say to
avoid the setlogsock() call, which is conditionally called in both of 
these modules
as well, so...It's worth a test to see if the documentation can be updated.

Robert Fisher
Systems Administrator
Sitestar Internet Services

On 10/28/2013 11:54 AM, Johnson, Neil M wrote:
Can you use <AuthLog SYSLOG> on Windows ?

According to the Manual <Log SYSLOG> only works on UNIX systems, but nothing is mentioned in the section of the manual for <AuthLog SYSLOG>.

Neil Johnson
Network Engineer
The University of Iowa
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