Hi Alexander,

On 09/19/2013 04:57 PM, Alexander Hartmaier wrote:
> Since quite some time I'm looking for a way to customize the accounting
> log file format but the problem I'm having with it is that there seems
> to be no way to log all key/value pairs contained in the accounting
> packet without specifying each name.
> The default format is nice to read but hard to search with e.g. ack or grep.
> I've read that using pipe followed by a program as AcctLogFileName works
> but passing data serialized one log per line to it would also be easier
> for the program to parse the log and pass it on (e.g. JSON serialized).

We ran into the same problem and wrote a perl script which we pipe the
Accounting Log to. It's attached.

radiator config:
AcctLogFileName | /usr/local/bin/radacclog.pl


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC)

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Attachment: radacclog.pl
Description: Perl program

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